Monday, March 30, 2015

2015 - Running

Richmond Dyke - 8km - 2015-03-28

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂 - 《荀子·劝学》
当一个人为了自私的原因而锲而不舍,就很难让人将其行动与有恒心和毅力等联系在一起。每当你是因为现在的恋情不快乐而想起以前的好, 快乐时而健忘的话,实在是让人越是反感。以前美好的回忆只会被这反感的云雾遮盖起。


Monday, December 10, 2012

2012 - 1


1. 好像没有什么特别的事情发生。还是不记得了。呵呵
2. 有人约。 好高兴啊。和Patrick第一次正式约会去了Coast. 对他第一印象不是太有感觉。觉得他话好多,兴趣也对不上。

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


不知不觉和他在一起快七个月了。 不过还没有过过什么的纪念日。见其他的恋人都来个三个月,半年的纪念日。自己也挺想过的。 看其他朋友的男友都十分的贴心,我家的就一个字都没提, 心里挺不是滋味的。不过我跟他从哪天开始都还是不太清楚的。所以才没有过纪念日吧?! 还是我自己帮他找的借口?不要的!!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


神掌管生命的每一个小片段, 没有任何事不经他的允许而能发生人们的身上,故此,再大的苦难也没有将我们与神的同在,神的守护分隔开.

神自己认同人间的苦难,神是一位被钉在十字架的神.因此,神并非对人的苦难袖手旁观. 他是位有情的神,籍着他在十字架上的死亡,他宣示了对在无理的苦难中的人最大的认同.

基督在十字架成就的救恩,昭示了神战胜罪恶与死亡的权势, 他是得胜的基督.故此,人间的苦难再猖狂,也是暂时性的,当基督重临的时候,一切的苦难便成为过去.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Devil loves PRADA

Has been wanting a luxury bag like the Prada in the photo since university.

Everything this idea emerges, an angel from my other side of the brain would pops up and whispers into my ear: " That would cost you two months of rent." or "Do you know it is worth about two or three times as much as someone's monthly salary after they have been working over 30 years in China?" And, I would like: I should not been wasting money on a bag. :(

I would love my boyfriend to buy me one without asking if I want it or not. Because I want him to be a worm in my heart (aka: he knows what my heart craves and wants). But but... I do know he will not waste this money on me... And this is the kind of boy I fall for... Cause I know, one day I will buy one myself. :P

Saturday, March 12, 2011

After MS2

Even it was closing to my MS2 exam date, I could not keep my eyes off the TV. Imagines are heart stricken.

The 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck Japan on March 11 in the afternoon without giving much time for people to escape. Thousands and thousands of people were gone missing. As days pass, the number of death still keeps rolling up. Lots of areas where was attacked by the Tsunami still was not getting help from the government from the ground, because roads are still covers with mud, destroyed houses, damaged cars... Government only could access by air. It makes the rescue very hard and slow.

TV and youtube footage showing the Tsunami casing from the earthquake wiped out everything that was in its way. Lives, roads, buildings, airport... Everything is soaking in the black color muddy water. People who were managed to escape to the higher land were watching their homes being destroyed by the water hopelessly. They could not do anything against the nature except sobbing.

NHK World News Line was non-stop reporting on this since the day one. If you listen closely, you might notice that the translator's voice was shaking as she gives instant/real time translation. From her voice, I can tell she is fairly young at her age. I could not imagine the grieve emotion pounding in her heart as she maintain a professional image on air.